
Based on the analysis of the distribution of structural-material complexes, facial-genetic types and modeling of the history of immersion of the Lower Cretaceous sediments, the spatial-temporal differentiation of the tectonic regime of the Black Sea megadepression in the Early Cretaceous was established. It is shown that the structural and lithologicalfacial features of the Lower Cretaceous tectonic-sedimentation system were determined by the interaction of tectonic and geological-paleooceanographic factors. Thus, the low sea level and the initial phases of activation of sublatitudinal faults in the Hoterivian-Aptian determined the dominant influence of submeridional tectonic faults on the formation of the corresponding structural-facial block zonation. The increase in the area of the basin, the removal of denudation areas in the Late Albian reduced the intensity of terrigenous discharge, and the prolonged activity of sublatitudinal faults led to the formation of sublatitudinal structural-facial zonation. In the subsequent geological history, the tectonic regime was characterized by a complex mosaic-block character, which influenced the heterogeneity of oil and gas lithofluid systems of Cretaceous deposits.

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