
As you know, poets have always been distinguished by a special role of activity in society. Despite the fact that originality in improvisation is characteristic of poets have a lot in common, poetic art, according to creativity, is divided into different schools. For example, the Arka Poetry School, the Syrdarya Poetry School, the Western Poetry School. Among them, a special place is occupied by the poetic school of Semirechye, which has formed its own style in the poetic, singing art and the art of aitys. The significant contribution of the poets Baktybai, Suyunbai, Zhambyl, Kulanayan Kulmambet, Maulimbai, Kenen, Kalka, Umbetali, Esdaulet, etc. to the revival and development of the poetic tradition of Semirechye, which has been going on since the times of Kaban Zhyrau, cannot be overlooked. The poet Abdigali Sariev, who grew up in such a noble environment, listening to the words of great poets, in his own way accepting the tradition of continuity and heritage of the poetic school of Semirechye, made every effort to continue these traditions.

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