
It isknown that a series oforganiccompoundscontained in the molecule SH, NH qroups have theabilityto formtheintracomplex compounds under certain conditions. These compounds allowto carryoutthe extraction in acidic mediumandthereforepreventthehydrolysis process. They are not dissolved in water but are soluble in various solvents and form colored solutions and so may be used in extraction chemistry. The main purpose of this paper was to study the ability to extract palladium by bis-(2-hidroxyl-5-alkylbenzyl)amine, synthesized in the laboratory on the basis of industrial alkylphenols. Ammonium acetate with various pH wasused as a buffer to extract palladiumfromPdCl2·2H2O0.1 mkg/ml solution. The main task for theuse of inert organic compound in extraction is the selection of a reagent which dissolves it but does not form any compound. For this purpose the influence of different solvents on this reagent was researched. The experiments show that bis-(2-hidroxyl-5-alkylbenzyl)amine is dissolved well in organic solvents. Itssolution, for examplein kerosene, is light-resistant, does not hydrolyze in water, alkalis and acids.Thus bis-(2-hidroxyl-5-alkylbenzyl)amine may be recomended for palladium extraction.

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