
Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are primarily used to connect electronic components to each other. It is one of the most important stages in the manufacturing of electronic products. A small defect in the PCB can make the final product inoperable. Therefore, careful and meticulous defect detection steps are necessary and indispensable in the PCB manufacturing process. The detection methods can generally be divided into manual inspection and automatic optical inspection (AOI). The main disadvantage of manual detection is that the detection speed is too slow, resulting in a waste of human resources and costs. Thus, in order to speed up the production speed, AOI techniques have been adopted by many PCB manufacturers. Most current AOI mechanisms use traditional optical algorithms. These algorithms can easily lead to misjudgments due to different light and shadow changes caused by slight differences in PCB placement or solder amount so that qualified PCBs are judged as defective products, which is also the main reason for the high misjudgment rate of AOI detection. In order to effectively solve the problem of AOI misjudgment, manual re-judgment is currently the reinspection method adopted by most PCB manufacturers for defective products judged by AOI. Undoubtedly, the need for inspectors is another kind of labor cost. To reduce the labor cost. of manual re-judgement, an accurate and efficient PCB defect reinspection mechanism based on deep learning algorithm is proposed. This mechanism mainly establishes two detection models, which can classify the defects of the product. When both models have basic recognition capabilities, the two models are then combined into a main model to improve the accuracy of defect detection. In the study, the data provided by Lite-On Technology Co., Ltd. were implemented. To achieve the practical application value in the industry, this research not only considers the problem of detection accuracy, but also considers the problem of detection execution speed. Therefore, fewer parameters are used in the construction of the model. The research results show that the accuracy rate of defect detection is about 95%, and the recall rate is 94%. Compared with other detection modules, the execution speed is greatly improved. The detection time of each image is only 0.027 s, which fully meets the purpose of industrial practical application.

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