
The Groningen-Drenthe Peat-Colonies Region part of the Northern Netherlands development region, is characterised by a restructuring process of manufacturing industries. Soon after a start of industrialization in this Northern Region rural exodus vanished. The peripheral position of the Northern Netherlands excludes the establishment of transport-based and/ or agglomeration-oriented enterprises. The Peat-Colonies Region is caracterized by industries based on natural resources (agrarian industries like potato-flour mills and straw-board factories, and industries based on minerals and energy-sources to a limites extent) as well is on abundant labour supply (branch plants of mauor foreign or domestic firms). «The Northern integrated structure plan» (1979) and the Northern Development Corporation (NOM) succeeded in saving jobs in the Peat-Colonies Region. In relative terms the number of new firms, however, is not even half that of the centrally located regions in the Netherlands.

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