
Regional development programs in the regional autonomy policy require the smallest area unit information. One of those programs is the construction of health facilities. The process of health development in the future requires the pattern of distribution of health facilities that already exists today. Distribution of health facilities in the province of Yogyakarta is still concentrated in urban areas, and the number of health facilities is not comparable with the area of each district. Therefore spatial data analysis using Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) is needed in order to see the pattern of accessibility level of existing health facilities. Spatial analysis considers the spatial correlation among the regions as the object of research. The existence of health facilities in a village will influence the accessibility to health facilities in another village. This paper uses health facilities index to find spatial clusters of accessibility level. New method based on administrative boundaries is added to this analysis as weights matrix to be compared with existing methods in GeoDa tools. The experiments show the use of weights matrix by administrative boundaries gives the best result. This weighing has the highest Moran’s I, so it is more suitable weighing method for this analysis. Furthermore, the spatial clustering of the easiest access to health facilities occurs in the urban areas and some area around them, such as in Yogyakarta City and Sleman Regency near Yogyakarta City, also in central government area.

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