
The problem of cellular differentiation and consequent pattern generation during embryonic development has been mathematically investigated with the help of a reaction-diffusion model. It is by now a well-recognized fact that diffusion of micromolecules (through intercellular gap junctions), which is dependent on the spatial parameter ( r), serve the purpose of ‘positional information’ for differentiation. Based on this principle the present model has been constructed by coupling the Goodwin-type equations for RNA and protein synthesis with the diffusion process. The homogeneous Goodwin system can exhibit stable periodic solution if the value of the cooperativity as measured by the Hill coefficient ( ρ) is greater than 8, which is not biologically realistic. In the present work it has been observed that inclusion of a negative cross-diffusion can drive the system into local instability for any value of ρ and thus a time-periodic spatial solution is possible around the unstable local equilibrium, eventually leading to a definite pattern formation. Inclusion of a negative cross-diffusion thus makes the system biologically realistic. The cross-diffusion can also give rise to a stationary wave-like dissipative structure.

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