
A pathological autopsy was performed on 6 corpses of piglets in the first week of life who died from mycoplasmosis. Examination of the visible mucous membranes revealed hyperemia of the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and thymus. Simultaneous lesions of the pharyngeal, parotid, cervical, mandibular lymph nodes were noted. They were slightly enlarged, from dark pink to dark red. The heart is irregularly shaped due to the expansion of the right ventricle or the diffuse expansion of all departments. Lungs have doughy consistency, uneven color. In some cases, there are diffuse red areas covering the entire lobe of the lungs, in other cases, there is a defeat of small areas. The liver has a smooth surface, soft or pasty consistency, the parenchyma pattern is slightly smoothed in section. The color of the liver is different: dark red areas, without clear boundaries turn into creamy-clay. Flatulence was a characteristic feature of the stomach and intestines. Catarrhal enteritis was registered in animals, which manifested itself in the form of moderate hyperemia of the intestinal mucosa and serous membranes. Microscopically, there is a significant blood supply to the vessels in the lungs. Alveoli are half fall down, in the form of slit-like lumens. In areas of tissue infiltration by inflammatory infiltrate, the alveolar wall is thickened, alveocytes are in a state of turbid swelling and vacuolar dystrophy, they are impregnated with erythrocytes. Peribronchial pneumonia of lymphocytic character is observed. The liver is in a state of acute venous hyperemia. The central and intraparticle capillaries are sharply dilated and filled with blood in some lobes, and the hepatic beams are compressed accordingly. In the center of other lobes, diffuse infiltration of liver tissue by erythrocytes as a consequence of diapedesis is noted. Hepatocytes are in a state of granular dystrophy. Destructive changes are strongly expressed in the mucous membrane of the small intestine: desquamation of the epithelium, necrosis of epitheliocytes and villi, destruction of crypts. In the brain tissue, there is dilation of the lumens of large and small blood vessels, extracellular and perivascular edema, areas of reactive necrosis.

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