
Much of Baffin Island is close to the modern glaciation limit and climatic changes within the last decade are already being reflected in snow cover extent. Statistical analysis of glacierized and ice-free corries indicates that changes in direct solar radiation due to astronomical factors are inadequate to account for glacierization of those at present ice-free. These and other sources of evidence demonstrate the need for augmented winter snowfall in order to increase the extent of glacierization. The pattern of glacial history in this area is for maximum ice extent during the early glacial phase (>68,000, <137,000 BP), folfxlowed by a reduction in ice volume during the cold pleniglacial (>24,000, < 68,000 BP) and then a limited late glacial advance (the Cockburn Stade, ca. 8,000 BP) due to increased precipitation. The Barnes Ice Cap did not disappear in the Holocene as it did in the last interglacial. The area is highly suitable for long-term monitoring of climatic change and glacial response.

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