
The aim of the study was to identify farmers’ selection criteria, preferences and generate baseline information on the importance of participatory barley breeding in Southeastern part of Ethiopia. The experiment was conducted in non-replicated plots at each location on plot size of 16m2 in 2007 Bona and on 25m2 in 2008 Ganna and Bona cropping seasons. Yield data was taken in kg plot-1 and converted in to t ha-1 .Selection criteria was set together with farmers; and ranked by farmers and breeders. Farmers and breeders made visual score of each plot on 1-5 scale beside variety selection. Some farmers were supported by the staff in case of datarecording problem. The result showed that grain yield, disease resistance, effective tillers, early maturity and kernel size (plumpness) were among the most important selection criteria commonly used farmers. While, breeders preferred high yielding variety with insect and disease resistant and early maturing types. And farmers were able to identify the higher yielding barley varieties as breeders. Varieties such as Guta, Dinsho, Biftu and Abdane were selected as the best varieties preferred by most of the local farmers across locations except at Hora Soba (Upper Dinsho) site. Shage, Dimtu varieties and 27th IBON 73/99 (semi-dwarf advanced line) were preferred by the Hora Soba local farmers. Thus, attention should be given to seed multiplication and dissemination of barley varieties which have been highly preferred by the local farmers. It is important to consider farmers preferences in crop improvement to improve the adoption of agricultural technologies which ultimately have significant contribution in production and productivity.

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