
In 11 children with hypersplenism due to Gaucher's disease, partial splenectomy was planned with the aim to prevent the development of postsplenectomy sepsis and also to slow the advance of the disease in the rest of the reticuloendothelial system by permitting continuing accumulation of the beta-glucocerebroside in the remaining splenic tissue. In seven children, partial splenectomy was performed successfully, the weight of the splenic tissue removed ranging from 400 to 3,680 g. The postoperative course was uneventful and the average duration of hospitalization was 12 days. In subsequent follow-up, isotope scanning demonstrated continuing growth of the splenic remnant and there were no episodes of postsplenectomy sepsis nor evidence of increased accumulation of beta-glucocerebroside in the liver or bones. These children showed a marked improvement in the growth curve and dramatic improvement in the hematologic picture. Of the four remaining children, in two, partial splenectomy was followed by complete removal of the remaining spleen due to necrosis, whereas in two, total splenectomy was performed since the huge spleens were extensively infarcted. Our experience suggests that partial splenectomy is the treatment of choice in the management of young patients with hypersplenism due to Gaucher's disease.

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