
This part describes the basic process of transportation systems planning and travel demand forecasting. Transportation planning plays a critical role in the quality of life for our communities. Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) are responsible for carrying out transportation planning activities for communities with 50,000 population or greater. State Department of Transportation or Rural Planning Organizations conduct planning activities for non-MPO regions. Travel demand models are the key analytical tool used to support the development of long-range transportation plans and other transportation systems analysis activities. The models help planners and analyst understand future travel patterns related to how much travel is expected, where travelers are expected to go, what mode they choice, and what routes they use to get to their travel destinations. The text introduces the reader to transportation planning organizations, and covers the basics of the four-step travel forecasting process used in transportation planning. The discussion includes data needs and sources for planning analyses, as well as mathematical models used to complete various steps in the forecasting process. The part concludes with a discussion of planning applications and software use, as well as practice problems to further explore and apply the concepts presented in the text.

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