
Fatigability is a common nonmotor symptom in Parkinson's disease (PD), which worsens quality of life in patients. Objective: to analyze the association of fatigability with the duration of PD and the degree of movement and neuropsychic (depression, nocturnal sleep disorders, daytime sleepiness) disorders; to evaluate changes in the manifestations of fatigability during therapy with the dopamine receptor agonist pramipexole (Mirapex). Patients and methods. Sixty patients with PD (disease duration 6.02±3.47 years; stage 2.68±0.62) without dementia were examined using the PD fatigue scale (PFS-16), unified PD rating scale (Part 2), the Beck depression inventory, the PD sleep scale, and the Epworth sleeping scale. Results. 66% of the patients were found to consider fatigability to be one of the three most daily life-limiting manifestations of the disease. The integrated rating of fatigability significantly correlated with total depression scores and sleep scores. During pramipexole therapy, there were statistically significant positive changes in fatigability, which did not correlate with those in motor functions, depression, and sleep problems. It is concluded that fatigability substantially impairs the daily activities of patients with PD and is associated with neuropsychic symptoms to a greater extent than with the degree of movement disorders in PD. This may be due to both the common pathophysiological mechanisms of these abnormalities and their comorbidity in PD. The fact that there is no significant association of the time course of changes in fatigability with alterations in the parameters of other neuropsychic functions during therapy conceivably indicated the independent genesis of this symptom.


  • IntroductionО роли эмбологенных и гемодинамических механизмов при симптоматических и асимптомных стенозах сонных артерий

  • The integrated rating of fatigability significantly correlated with total depression scores and sleep scores

  • It is concluded that fatigability substantially impairs the daily activities of patients with Parkinson's disease (PD) and is associated with neuropsychic symptoms to a greater extent than with the degree of movement disorders in PD

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О роли эмбологенных и гемодинамических механизмов при симптоматических и асимптомных стенозах сонных артерий. Цель исследования – анализ взаимосвязи утомляемости с длительностью БП, тяжестью двигательных расстройств, показателями нервно-психических нарушений (депрессией, нарушениями ночного сна, дневной сонливостью); оценка динамики проявлений утомляемости на фоне терапии агонистом дофаминовых рецепторов прамипексолом (мирапекс). Установлено, что 66% пациентов считают утомляемость одним из трех наиболее ограничивающих повседневную жизнь проявлений болезни. На фоне терапии прамипексолом отмечена статистически значимая положительная динамика утомляемости, которая не соотносилась с динамикой показателей двигательных функций, депрессии, нарушений сна. Что утомляемость значимо нарушает повседневную активность пациентов с БП и в большей степени связана с нервно-психическими симптомами, чем со степенью тяжести двигательных нарушений БП. Отсутствие достоверной связи динамики утомляемости с изменениями показателей других нервно-психических функций на фоне терапии, возможно, указывает на самостоятельный генез данного симптома. Objective: to analyze the association of fatigability with the duration of PD and the degree of movement and neuropsychic (depression, nocturnal sleep disorders, daytime sleepiness) disorders; to evaluate changes in the manifestations of fatigability during therapy with the dopamine receptor agonist pramipexole (Mirapex)

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