
Case series summary Pantarsal arthrodesis (PTA) was performed in seven tarsi of six cats, using orthogonal (dorsal and medial) veterinary cuttable plates (VCPs) without postoperative external coaptation. Short-term outcomes, arthrodesis progression and complications were assessed using a retrospective review of case notes (veterinary examination) and radiographs. Long-term outcomes were assessed via owner questionnaire (Feline Musculoskeletal Pain Index [FMPI]). Mean angle of PTA was 136° (range 116-166°). Intraoperative complications were recorded in two cases, both involving failure of the drill bit during drilling for calcaneotibial screws. Postoperative complications were encountered in a case of bilateral single-session PTA. These included gastrocnemius myotendinopathy on the right, and long-term protrusion of a screw head from the skin on the left. Both complications were resolved surgically, through resection of the implicated gastrocnemius tendon of insertion and removal of the plate, respectively. FMPI assessment was performed for all six cats a mean of 8.8 months (range 6-16 months) following surgery. Mean score for the first part (assessing ability to perform normal activities) was 92.2% (range 80.9-97.1%). Mean score for the second part (owner perception of pain) was 95.8% (range 87.5-100%). Mean overall score (mean score for parts 1 and 2 combined) was 92.3% (range 81.6-97.4%). PTA may be performed in cats using orthogonal VCPs to treat severe tarsal injuries. It may be prudent to avoid single-session bilateral PTA in cats. Relevance and novel information This case series documents a novel technique as an alternative for PTA in cats with talocrural injuries. Long-term outcome and complications presented in this case series are evaluated and discussed.

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