
Butaud, J.F., F. Jacq & M.W. Callmander (2019). Pandanus papateaensis (Pandanaceae): a new threatened species from the uplifted atoll Makatea (Tuamotu, French Polynesia). Candollea 74: 137–144. In French, English and French abstracts. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15553/c2019v742a3The new species Pandanus papateaensis Butaud, F. Jacq & Callm. (Pandanaceae) is described from the uplifted atoll of Makatea located in the Tuamotu Archipelago of French Polynesia. The new species can be distinguished from other Polynesian species by its completely fused drupes with usually two seminal chambers and by its reddish-brown to dark-purple pileus, which totals more than one third of the total length of the drupe. Pandanus papateaensis is known from a few subpopulations located on the edge of the central plateau and it occurs in sympatry with Pandanus tectorius Parkinson. The species is known by less than 80 individuals and its sustainability is threatened by a phosphate mining project, which could have a significant impact on two of the three subpopulations. Based on the latter evidence, the new species is assigned a preliminary “Endangered” [EN] status following IUCN Red list Categories and Criteria. A regulatory protection status is thus recommended for this new species, as well as for the exceptional natural vegetation formations of this atoll, which is threatened by 50 years of intense phosphate mining without any current restoration programs to compensate for the damage caused.

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