
Seventy-two core and cutting samples of the Ratawi Formation from selected wells of central and southern Iraq in Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin are analysed for their sedimentary organic matters. Dinoflagellates, spores and pollen are extracted by palynological techniques from these rocks. Accordingly, Hauterivian and late Valanginian ages are suggested for their span of depositional time. These palynomorphs with other organic matter constituents, such as foraminifer’s linings, bacteria and fungi, are used to delineate three palynofacies types that explain organic matter accumulation sites and their ability to generate hydrocarbons. Palaeoenvironments of these sites were mainly suboxic to anoxic with deposition of inshore and neritic marine environments especially for palynofacies type 2. Total organic matters of up to 1.75 total organic carbon (TOC) wt.% and early mature stage of up to 3.7 TAI based on the brown colour of the spore species Cyathidites australis and Gleichenidites senonicus with mottled interconnected amorphous organic matter are used for hydrocarbon generation assessment from this formation. On the other hand, these rock samples are processed with Rock-Eval pyrolysis. Outcomes and data calculations of these analyses are plotted on diagrams of kerogen types and hydrocarbon potential. Theses organic matter have reached the mature stage of up to T max = 438 °C, hydrogen index of up to 600 mg hydrocarbons for each gram of TOC wt.% and mainly low TOC (0.50–1.55). Accordingly, this formation could generate fair quantities of hydrocarbons in Baghdad oil field and Basrah oil fields. Organic matters of this formation in the fields of Euphrates subzone extends from Hilla to Nasiriyah cities have not reached mature stage and hence not generated hydrocarbons from the Ratawi Formation. Software 1D PetroMod basin modelling of the Ratawi Formation has confirmed this approach of hydrocarbon generation with 100 % transformations of the intended organic matters to generate hydrocarbons to oil are performed in especially oil fields of East Baghdad, West Qurna and Majnoon while oil fields Ratawi and Subba had performed 80–95 % transformation to oil and hence end oil generation had charged partly the Tertiary traps that formed during the Alpine Orogeny. Oil fields of Nasiriyah and Kifle had performed least transformation ratio of about 10–20 % transformation to oil, and hence, most of the present oil in this field is migrated from eastern side of the Mesopotamian Foredeep Basin that hold higher maturation level.

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