
Pollen contained in three Pleistocene sequences and one Holocene sequence is interpreted from the analysis of lacustrine deposits of the Pla de l'Estany. The first Pleistocene sequence, characterised by steppe‐like vegetation of Pinus and herbs, is older than the last interglacial stage. The second, consisting of interstadial vegetation dominated by Abies and Fagus followed by deciduous Quercus and Carpinus and by steppe, which was interrupted by the expansion of Pinus is correlated with the period between isotopic stage 5.1 (St. Germain II) and the beginning of isotopic stage 3. The third Pleistocene sequence is represented by short interstades containing Corylus and deciduous Quercus. At this time, the extinction of Carpinus occurs, which is correlated with the end of isotopic stage 3 and the beginning of stage 2. The Holocene sequence dates from 3470 yr BP until the present. The Subboreal‐Subatlantic is delineated by the dominance of deciduous Quercus and some anthropic activity. From the 4th century AD until the present, pronounced anthropic influence resulted in the spread of areas of cultivation, pasture and scrub.

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