
Palmprint recognition system has been one promising biometric system used in Presence System. There are some methods to recognize the individual palmprint as well as to extract its feature. In this research, two recognition methods are compared, i.e., backpropagation neural network and similarity measure using Euclidean distance. While, for feature extraction, we implemented Principal Components Analysis (PCA) method. From the research, it can be concluded that from test results, the best recognition using backpropogation neural networks is 93.33% which is reached when parameters used are: 100 principal components, 1 hidden layer, and 75 neurons. While, implementation of similarity measure using Euclidean distance, the best recognition rate is 96.67% which is reached when 75 principal components are used. When considering the time consumed in recognition, the Euclidean distance gives the better result, i.e. 17.09 seconds, while using backpropagation neural network with 75 neurons, time consumed is 425 seconds. Therefore, from this research, recognition implementation combining both PCA and Euclidean distance are more suggested rather than using combination of PCA and backpropagation neural network.

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