
Pairing gaps for fermionic atoms in harmonic-oscillator traps are calculated for a wide range of interaction strengths and particle numbers, and compared to pairing in nuclei. Especially systems where the pairing gap exceeds the single-level spacing but is smaller than the shell splitting $\ensuremath{\Elzxh}\ensuremath{\omega}$ are studied, which applies to most trapped Fermi atomic systems as well as to finite nuclei. When solving the gap equation for a large trap with such multilevel pairing, one finds that the matrix elements between nearby harmonic-oscillator levels and the quasi particle energies lead to a double logarithm of the gap, and a pronounced shell structure at magic numbers. It is argued that neutron and proton pairing in nuclei belongs to the class of multilevel pairing, that their shell structure follows naturally, and that the gaps scale as $\ensuremath{\sim}{A}^{\ensuremath{-}1/3}$---all in qualitative agreement with odd-even staggering of nuclear binding energies. Pairing in large systems is related to that in the bulk limit. For large nuclei the neutron and proton superfluid gaps approach the asymptotic value in infinite nuclear matter: $\ensuremath{\Delta}\ensuremath{\simeq}1.1\mathrm{MeV}.$

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