
Usage of search engine is considered as effective practice for information retrieval. Importance of “page rank” has been recognized for information retrieval. Relevant clouds are indexed by search engines for necessary information. Thus importance has been realized to validate the page rank for clouds. In the authors' design, page rank has been considered to be in a range of values for its normal behaviour. Each change in page rank has to be scrutinized. Cellular Automata (CA) has been considered for proposed system design as CA is a dynamic mathematical model for designing complex systems and capability of easy deployment at minimal cost, such as using D-type flip-flops. Usage of Null Boundary CA has been emphasized in this work. Dynamics computation of CA rules based on Langton's ?-parameter has been shown for enhanced study of proposed model. Results obtained in experiments have been compared with traffic data collected from Alexa Tool by “Amazon.com”. Comparison results have ensured effectiveness of proposed design.

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