
Background: The transition from childhood to adulthood is an important part of a journey of people with inherited haemoglobinopathy and their families. The most difficult part is to find the way of motivation, so children and young adolescents can comply with taking their medications and attending their appointments even without the support of their families to achieve desirable targets and to maintain their good health. Method: We started regular education of young adolescents on the transition in adult haematology department by an efficient and powerful method ORBIS SENSUALIUM PICTUS developed by Jan Amos Komensky, Czech teacher, living in the Netherlands in 17th century - teaching with images. We educate and motivate our clients by morphology of their own blood cells before the commencement of treatment and during it with showing them their results of full blood count, biochemistry, HbS, HbF levels, reticulocytes and others in the same time. Visualising their own blood cells under microscope and comparison of previous unhealthy and now healthy blood cells on hydroxyurea or after regular transfusions empower young adolescents to take ownership of their own health and can improve their self esteem and confidence. We have included into the transition also regular visits in Haematology laboratory, Adult Day therapy unit and Adult haematology department. Results: We are presenting improvement in compliance of the attendance and taking regular medication of young adolescents empowered by imaginary education in our transition clinic. Summary: Empowering young adolescents by visualising technique of reviewing their own blood cells under microscope and understanding the purpose of each medication and medical result is very powerful method of motivation. It can help them to engage better in regular consultantions and to find the new meaning on their journey with inherited haemoglobinopathy. It can open the way of understanding their own disease with consideration of therapeutical options including hydroxyurea, voxelotor, crizanlizumab and gene therapy and allogeneic transplant.

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