
ANA. All women on TAM and ANA reported to be 100% compliant by self report. After the controlling for prescriptions, only 40 (80%) and 29 (66%) of the women on TAM and ANA were still classified compliant (p < 0.0027 and p < 0.00055). We found no significant correlation of compliance in accordance to baseline characteristic and side effects in a log. regression model. Conclusions: An important goal of any therapeutic intervention is to achieve comparable efficacy in routine clinical practice to that demonstrated in RCTs. A similar magnitude in compliance in routine clinical practice will be necessary to assure comparable clinical effects. Our results further support the suboptimal compliance of women with breast cancer on adjuvant TAM treatment. Additionally, we for the first time evaluated an equivalent low compliance with ANA. More prospective studies are needed to increase our understanding of the underling reasons for non-compliance in women with breast cancer.

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