
Introduction. Status epilepticus is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication that women with epilepsy may experience during pregnancy. Poor compliance may contribute to the occurrence of status epilepticus, resulting in the need for substantial increased in anticonvulsant dosing to suppress seizures. This case report aims to report case status epilepticus in patients during pregnancy at Dr. Sardjito Hospital. Results. CASE: A 30-years-old G5P2A2, 25 weeks gestation was admitted to the Emergency Room Sardjito Hospital Indonesia in December 2018, presented with multiple seizure episodes of 3 days duration. She was known epilepsy patient diagnosed about 3 years ago and was on phenytoin but was not on regular medications after she knew that she got pregnant. Physical examination revealed Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) of E2VTM2 (on midazolam). Patient had normal neurological examination. After aggressive treatments with midazolam and antiepileptic drug, the patient regained full consciousness. Conclusion. Pregnancy sometimes worsens the frequency of seizures in known epileptic women. One of which is that the physiological changes in pregnancy can lead to subtherapeutic serum level of the drugs and discontinuing medications during pregnancy can precipitate status epilepticus.

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