
Homotetrameric phosphorylating glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) from Bacillus stearothermophilus can be described as a dimer of dimers with three non-equivalent P, R, and Q interfaces. In our previous study, negative cooperativity in NAD binding to wild-type GAPDH was interpreted according to the induced-fit model in terms of two independent dimers with two interacting binding sites in each dimer. Two dimeric mutant GAPDHs, i.e. Y46G/S48G and D186G/E276G, were shown to exhibit positive cooperativity in NAD binding. Based on the molecular modeling of the substitutions and the fact that the most extensive inter-subunit interactions are formed across the P-axis interface of the tetramer, it was postulated that both dimeric mutant GAPDHs were of O–P type. Therefore, the P-axis interface was assumed to play a major role in causing cooperativity in NAD binding.Here, two other mutant GAPDHs, Y46G/R52G and D282G, have been studied. Using small angle X-ray scattering, the dimeric form of the D282G mutant GAPDH is shown to be of O–R type whereas both dimeric mutant GAPDHs Y46G/R52G and Y46G/S48G are of O–P type. Similarly to dimeric Y46G/S48G mutant GAPDH, the dimeric Y46G/R52G mutant GAPDH exhibits positive cooperativity in NAD binding. On the other hand, no significant cooperativity in NAD binding to the dimeric form of the D282G mutant GAPDH is observed, whereas its tetrameric counterpart exhibits negative cooperativity, similarly to the wild-type enzyme. Altogether, the results support the view that the P-axis interface is essential in causing cooperativity in NAD binding by transmitting the structural information induced upon cofactor binding from one subunit to the other one within O–P/Q–R dimers in contrast to the R-axis interface, which does not transmit structural information within O–R/Q–P dimers. The absence of activity of O–P and O–R dimer GAPDHs is the consequence of a pertubation of the conformation of the active site, at least of the nicotinamide subsite, as evidenced by the absence of an ion pair between catalytic residues C149 and H176 and the greater accessibility of C149 to a thiol kinetic probe.

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