
Prior suicide attempt is the strongest single risk factor for death by suicide: 30–40% of those who commit suicide, have made a previous suicide attempt. Many nations have surveillance system to monitor deaths by suicide, but not such a system to monitor suicide attempts. Patients (N = 60) admitted for after a suicide attempt to Special hospital of neuropsychiatric diseases in Belgrade from 2008-10, were assessed to sociodemographic, diagnostic characteristics and suicide attempt method. Sociodemographic characteristics: Mean age 43.07 (SD 15.658); gender: male 53.3%, female 46.7%; education: 12years (86.6%), 12years (13.3%); occupational status: unemployed 56.7%, invalid pensioner 16.7%, employed 26.7%; marital status: single 53.3%, widow/er 11.7%, divorced 8.3%, married 26.7%; without any children 86.7%; unsettled housing 46.6%. Diagnostic characteristics: Depressive disorder (36.7%), Schizophrenia (33.3%), other (30%); psychiatric comorbidity: abuse/addiction of alcohol/drugs 41.6%, personality disorder 28.3%; illness duration (years): M 15.117 (SD 14.1); mean age of first suicide attempt 41.2 years (SD 15.172); Suicide attempt method: self-harming with sharp objects 35.0%, jumping from a high place 23.3%, self-poisoning 23.3%, hanging 18.3%. A follow-up surveillance of suicide attempters should be established (by national office or register), in order to clarify characteristics that would predict possible suicide.

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