
The Glove Mine is located on the southern extremity of an isolated syncllnal sedimentary block of Paleozoic and Cretaceous sediments on the southern flank of the Santa Rita Mountains in Santa Cruz County about forty miles south of Tucson, Arizona. Fluids probably associated with a Laramide (?) quartz monzonite in- trusivehave deposited argentiferous galena, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and quartz along permeable zones caused by fault intersections within a favorable limestone bed of the Pennsylvanian-Permian Naco group. As a result of extensive oxidation, only relics of the primary sulfides exist in the mined portion of the deposit. Cerussite, and lesser amounts of angle- site, wulfenite, smithsonite, and other oxidation products of the primary sulfides have been conten{rated in solution caverns. The ore body can be divided into three general zones on the basis of metal content and mineral assemblage. These zones are (A) the upper oxidized and leached zone, (B) the silver-enriched intermediate zone, and .(C) the sulfide zone. The behavior of individual metals and minerals is dependent upon local Eh-pH conditions as well as other environmental factors affecting mineral stability. In response to changes in environment, mineral and metal assemblages vary not only between the zones but within them as well.

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