
Talent selection in cricket is a task which is usually carried out by coaches and senior players. The method relies on instincts or natural abilities of the selectors for talent assessment and selection. However, it suffers with subjectivity, personal biasness and external influences. In country such as India where more than 1-million players play cricket daily, talent selection problem becomes significant. In this paper, we propose a model which can rank players in order of their talent. The model can potentially help reduce the implicit problems of manual talent selection system. The model assesses the cricketing talent of individual players based on the quantitative outcome of the identified parametric tests for assessing players’ physical/motor, anthropometric and cognitive skills and capabilities with respect to cricket. The Ordered weighted averaging aggregation (OWA) operator with Relative Fuzzy Linguistic Quantifier (RFLQ) is used to measure the weights and aggregate players’ talent values. The model is applied to the Jamia Millia Islamia’s (JMI) University Cricket team and results have been summarized.

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