
In laparotomized hens (70d old), about one-fourth part of the left ovary was removed in Group I and about one-half of it in Group II. In Group III, about one-half of the ovary was left intact and the other half was transplanted to the lateral side, near the caudal lobe of the left kidney. In Group IV, the left ovary was removed completely and about one-half of it was transplanted in the same hen as in Group III, and finally, Group V was run as a shamoperated control. On slaughtering, the gonadal status was examined at the age of 130d. The presence of yellow developing follicles were found in all the hens in Group IV ( 5 5 b ), followed by Group II ( 7 9 b ), Group III at transplanted site ( 3 5 ab ), Group I ( 6 10 ab ) Group V ( 1 12 a ) and Group III at original site ( 0 5 a ). The average number of yellow follicles were recorded 4.5 in Group 1, 5.2 in Group II, nil at original site and 6.3 at transplanted site in Group III, 7.6 in Group IV and 3.0 in Group V, considering those hens bearing yellow follicles only. These observations clearly indicated that the shortening of the ovary advances the maturity of the remaining intact part of the ovary. This may be due to more availability of gonadotropins per unit of ovarian tissue. Transplantation of the ovary with severed nerves hastened its development, indicating that some suppressive role on gonadal maturity may be imposed by the intact nerves.

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