
Object: 1). To analyze of serum tumor marker CA-125 in patients with ovarian malignant tumors. 2). To correlate betweenthe serum levels of tumor marker with histological types of ovarian malignant tumors. Study Design: Institution based descriptive andprospective study. Place & Duration: Department of Pathology, Liaquat University of Medical & Health Sciences, Jamshoro from January2009 to June 2011. Material & Methods: One hundred cases, diagnosed as ovarian malignant tumor on H&E staining were selected forstudy & measure serum CA-125 preoperatively and postoperatively in each case. Results: Out of 100 cases diagnosed as on H&E stainwere 33 serous cystadenocarcinoma, 24 mucinous adenocarcinoma, 10 germ cell tumors and 08 sex-cord stromal tumors. On serumanalysis increased level of CA-125 was seen preoperatively in 33/33 cases of serous cystadenocarcinoma and 24/29 cases of mucinousadenocarcinoma. Serum tumor marker value was declined following appropriate therapy of the tumors. Conclusions: Serum tumormarkers CA-125 is useful and important for the detection of ovarian tumors. It is most significant for serous cystadenocarcinoma. It mayalso help in prognosis and specific treatment of ovarian malignancies relating to histological type.

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