
Seventy-one women with various menstrual disorders but without evidence of known autoimmune disease were examined serologically for ovarian antibodies. Test serum, diluted 1:5, was reacted with sections of rabbit ovary and fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled anti-human immunoglobulin. The tissue was then examined microscopically for fluorescence. Sixteen of the test sera reacted with the theca interna of ovarian follicles. None of the positive sera reacted with human adrenal and human and rabbit testis. Positive sera were found in subjects without ovarian failure. Indeed, two subjects with ovulatory cycles had positive sera. None of the sera of eight subjects with ovarian failure gave a positive response. The sera of two subjects were strongly positive at dilutions of 1:20 and 1:50, respectively. These subjects were carefully examined for other endocrinopathies but none was found. This study did not demonstrate a relationship between ovarian antibodies and antibodies to other steroid-producing tissues or to ovarian function.

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