
IN this delightful little volume the amateur angler, who discoursed so pleasantly on ithe beauties of the streams and fields of Dove Dale a few years ago, recounts his subsequent experiences of country life and amongst country scenes. Angling plays but an inconsiderable part in the present book, but the spirit of the angler is over every chapter—the spirit, namely, which finds placid enjoyment in all the sights and sounds of Nature, and something new and interesting everywhere. His motto is, that the old simplicity of the country “though hid in grey, Doth look more gay Than foppery in plush and scarlet clad.” Of this capacity for finding amusement everywhere the chapter on turkeys and peacocks is an example. A battle between two flocks of turkeys is described with much humour; the method in which these birds fight is perhaps new even to persons who think they know a good deal about turkeys; it certainly will be to others. Again, the description of a peacock going to roost is full of quiet fun; few persons, even of those who live in the country, have ever seen a peacock perform the feat of flying into a tree for the night. Yet it is a feat to which great importance is attached by the bird himself; it is only to be done with great circumspection, hesitation, and show of indifference. A score of other topics connected with the country are treated with a like charm. The little book, both in subjects and mode of treatment, is a gem.

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