
The individual in international law — In general — Human rights and freedoms — Protection of individual rights — Purpose of human rights treaties — American Convention on Human Rights, 1969 — Advisory jurisdiction of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights — Integration of universal and regional human rights agreementsTreaties — In general — Conception and function of treaties — Purpose of human rights treaties — American Convention on Human Rights, 1969Treaties — Conclusion and operation of treaties — Effect of treaties on third parties — American Convention on Human Rights, 1969, Article 64 — Possible effect of interpretation on States outside inter American systemTreaties — Interpretation of treaties — Principles and rules of interpretation — Traditional international law methods — Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties 1969, Articles 31 and 32 American Convention on Human Rights, 1969Treaties — Interpretation of treaties — Bilingual treaties — American Convention on Human Rights, 1969 — Reference to preparatory work of the Convention — Relevance of Spanish textTreaties — Interpretation of treaties — Consideration of preparatory work — American Convention on Human Rights, 1969594Disputes — Other international courts — Inter-American Court of Human Rights — Advisory jurisdiction — Scope of — American Convention on Human Rights, 1989, Article 64 — Power of Court to interpret Convention — Power to interpret other treaties — Purpose of Convention — Nature of judicial function — Effect on contentious jurisdiction — Whether interpretation consistent with Article 29 — Possibility of conflicting interpretations from organs outside Inter-American system

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