
Osteoporosis is one of the most frequent comorbidities in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The immune system is substantially involved in the regulation of bone homeostasis and chronic inflammatory diseases influence this equilibrium at several levels. Besides the immunologically mediated inflammatory activity, immobility and glucocorticoid treatment are further risk factors for osteoporosis. Diagnostic and therapeutic recommendations are based on the current guidelines for osteoporosis of the Governing Body on Osteoporosis (DVO). Monitoring of the risk factors and bone mineral density testing is meaningful in each patient with a newly diagnosed rheumatic disease. In the case of aT-score ≤-1.5 aspecific drug treatment with bisphosphonates, teriparatide or denosumab should be started together with optimizing preventive measures, such as reduction of glucocorticoid dosage, calcium and vitamin D intake and life style modifications. The risk of osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ) in patients with osteoporosis is small; however, there appears to be asignificant increase in multiple vertebral fractures after discontinuation of denosumab.

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