
Polyamines are widely distributed in nature, but their precise role in cellular processes is not fully understood. Polyamines are associated with cell proliferation, tissue regeneration and malignancy [l-3]. Most of the information on the biosynthetic pathways of putrescine, spermlne and spermidine, their regulation and possible sites of action has been obtained from studies with micro-organisms or mammalian cells. In mammalian cells, putrescine is synthesized from Lornithine by Lornithine decarboxylase (ODC EC 4.11.17) [2]. In plants, however, it is commonly accepted that putrescine is formed from Larginine by Larginine decarboxylase (ADC EC 4.11.19), via the intermediate agmatine. The activity of ODC in plants is usually found to be much lower than that of ADC [4-71, and ODC has therefore been claimed to be of little significance in the formation of putrescine in plants. We felt that in plant cells such an essential biosynthetic pathway of putrescine should not differ from that in mammalian cells and therefore decided to study ODC activity in plant systems. We chose to search for ODC activity in two plant systems of rapidly proliferating cells the XD cell line of tobacco in suspension culture and tomato ovaries before and after pollination. After subculture of XD cells there is usually a lag period of a few days, after which the culture enters an exponential phase, lasting for several generations [8]. The culture then enters a stationary phase. In tomato ovaries before pollination there is some cell division; after pollination there is very intense cell division, which lasts for

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