
Origin of the Buccal Branch of Facial Nerve and Anastomosis of the Facial Nerve Branches


  • The buccal branch was described as a single or double in number

  • Majority of the buccal branches originated from the cervicofacial division and most of the anastomotic interconnections were identified between the lower and upper division

  • Anatomical variations in the origin and anastomosis can shed more light on the different consequences of facial paralysis that may encounter after parotid field surgery

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The buccal branch was described as a single or double in number. The buccal branch has an intimate contact with the parotid duct. The branches could be divided into superior and inferior parts. Superior branches go below the zygomaticus major and levator labii superioris. Give innervation to zygomaticus minor, levator labii superioris alaeque nasi and levator angulii oris. Inferior ones supply the buccinators and orbicularis oris [1]. The extratemporal course of the Facial Nerve (FN) is very variable. Familiarity with these variations in the branching patterns is extremely crucial in successful dissection and preservation of the nerve. The present study aimed to describe the origin of the buccal branch of facial nerve and anastomosis of the facial nerve branches

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