
Two cores from an anoxic basin of the southeastern Mediterranean Ridge were investigated to compare the clay mineralogy of pelagic sediments and of the interbedded sapropels. The sediments of Core BAN 84-02, raised from the basin floor, and those of Core BAN 84-08, from the eastern plateau of the Bannock Basin, provide evidence for different sedimentary environments. The anoxic conditions, which are still present near the bottom, produce an important decrease in smectite crystallinity (Core 02), whereas well-organized smectite persists in the normally oxygenated sediments (Core 08). Detrital clay minerals from various sources were deposited in the basin and no appreciable diagenesis was recognized downcore. The clay mineralogy of the sapropels shows remarkable differences compared to the pelagic sediments. The changes observed are dependent on aggressive chemical reaction and on the sudden input of detrital crystalline sediments into the stagnant environment. A climatic curve registers the variable degree of clay mineral hydrolysis in continental areas and exhibits good correspondence with an already published oxygen isotope curve for the area.

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