
In Escherichia coli, the Chi sequence modulates the activity of RecBCD, a powerful double-stranded (ds) DNA exonuclease/helicase. Chi attenuates RecBCD exonuclease activity and stimulates homologous recombination in an orientation-dependent manner. ChiEc is frequent and over-represented on its genome, which is thought to be related to its role in dsDNA break repair. We previously identified a Chi-like sequence (referred to as ChiLl) and an exonuclease/helicase in the Gram-positive bacterium Lactococcus lactis. ChiLl and RexAB are functional analogues of ChiEc and RecBCD. We report that ChiLl attenuates RexAB exonuclease activity and stimulates homologous recombination in an orientation-dependent manner. Analysis of ChiLl distribution on the L. lactis chromosome reveals that ChiLl is frequent, highly over-represented, and oriented with respect to the direction of replication. Our results show that a single orientation of ChiLl interacts with RexAB. The active orientation is preferentially found on the replication leading strand of the L. lactis genome, consistent with a primary role of ChiLl in repair of dsDNA breaks at the replication fork. We propose that orientation-dependence of Chi activity and over-representation of Chi sequences on bacterial genomes may be conserved properties of exonuclease/helicase-Chi couples. Other properties of the Chi sequence distribution on the genomes might reflect more specific characteristics of each couple and of the host.

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