
Two studies investigated the use of organizational schemes in memory for prose. In Experiment I adult subjects generated either a narrative (structured) or a descriptive (relatively unstructured) passage from a prompt word outline. They were either informed of the later recall test prior to generating the passage to be remembered, uninformed, or informed afterward. A significant interaction between instructions and materials indicated that organizational activity in memory for prose is a function of both the structure of the material and the degree to which an individual intentionally structures a passage for later recall. Experiment 2 investigated the use of “retrieval plans” developmentally. Third-grade (8-year-olds), sixth-grade (11-year-olds), and college students either generated or listened to either a narrative or a descriptive passage for later recall. Younger children only initiated retrieval plan activity with structured (narrative) materials and only under optimal comprehension (generate passage) conditions. Older children initiated retrieval plan activity with either structured passages or under optimal comprehension conditions. Adults initiated effective retrieval plan activity under a wide range of situations and only the combination of relatively unstructured (descriptive) passages and average comprehension (listen to passage) conditions significantly impeded recall. Marked sex differences in recall were noted; males tended to perform like younger individuals at each age.

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