
In 1943 significant change occurred in the history of the Orthodox military pastoral ministry in the Polish Armed Forces in the West. It was related to the appointment of a military Orthodox bishop. This function was taken over by the former Bishop of Grodno-Nowogrodek Sawa (Sovetov). He was considered to be the only hierarch of the Polish Autocephalous Orthodox Church, which remained faithful to the principles of autocephaly. His efforts to defend the independence of Polish Orthodoxy were indispensable at the time. The period during which Bishop Sawa performed the function of military Orthodox bishop in Great Britain and on the continent contributed to the development of this religion’s ministry. He rose to the tasks entrusted to him, which was appreciated by the military and political authorities. Shortly after the war, Bishop Sawa was awarded, among others, with the Gold Cross of Merit with Swords. As a military Orthodox bishop he proved himself as a zealous patriot and tireless priest who tried to provide proper spiritual care to all Polish soldiers. The purpose of the following article is to present the selection process of a military Orthodox priest in the Polish Armed Forces in the West, the circumstances in which the decision was made to appoint Bishop Sawa, his actions and the difficulties he had to overcome during his ministry.

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