
Companies are concerned about organisation climate and culture because they want to be an employer of choice in the local market providing equal opportunity to all employees, to manage talent as an investment as talent is blind to gender, ethnicity, or any other segment of population. Organisational culture has been defined as relatively stable beliefs, attitudes and values that are held in common among organisational members, shared normative beliefs and shared behavioural expectations or a particular set of values, beliefs, and behaviours that characterises the way individuals and groups interact in progressing toward a common goal. The best employers are not because of their perks and benefits, but because of their organisational culture and policies that promote meaningful work, and a nurturing as well as supportive workplace. Lack of gender sensitive policies by the employer are considered as important barriers which affect the career advancement of women professionals to senior positions. Organisational effectiveness or performance is defined as the degree to which an organisation attains its short-term and long-term goals, the selection of which reflects strategic constituencies, the self- interest of the evaluator, and the life- stage of the organisation. As far as the relationship between organisational culture and organisational effectiveness is concerned, it is argued that organisations possessing a strong culture that is congruent with their top management leadership style, organisational structure and internal management practices attain higher levels of effectiveness than their competitors. In this study, the focus would be to know the elements of inclusive organisation culture and organisation climate and their overall impact on organisation performance.

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