
PERTESSIS-KEIS has studied the yield of organic 38 Cl from the reaction 37 Cl(n,γ) 38 Cl in binary mixtures of CCl 4 and alcohols. KONTIS and URCH suggested an independent binary model to interpret the data, however, none of their data agree with the model over the whole range of concentrations. In this paper we suggest a new model based on the formation of organic 38 Cl by two precursors, one independent on the media (failure to bond rupture), while the other depends on the concentration of the two components in the binary mixture (reactions of hot and thermalized 38 Cl). Our model fits all the alcohols studied by PERTESSIS-KEIS 1,2 over the whole range of concentration: I/(Y 0 - Y)= 1/α·Y 0 B ·m A /m B +1/Y 0 B where Y is the organic yield of 38 Cl in the mixture, Y 0 is the yield for pure CCl 4 (zero molar fraction of the alcohol), m A and m B are the molar fraction of the alcohol and CCl 4 , respectively, and a is a parameter. A plot of 1/(Y 0 -Y) vs. m A /m B was found to be a straight line for all the six alcohols studied by PERTESSIS-KEIS.

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