
Drainage water from acid sulfate soils with sulfuric material has high concentrations of protons and dissolved metals which can have detrimental effects on the surrounding ecosystems. Liming is expensive; therefore, alternative methods are needed. Organic materials such as plant residues, compost or biochars can bind protons and metals but have not been evaluated with respect to remediation of acid drainage water from acid sulfate soils. In this study, eight organic materials (compost, two straws and five biochars differing in feed stock and production temperature) were placed in small PVC cores at 1.5 g C/core and synthetic acid drainage water (pH 3, 28 mg Fe/l and 2 mg Al/l, properties based on long-term averages of drainage water from sulfuric acid sulfate soils) was applied in four leaching events. Mallee biochar produced at 550 °C and wheat biochar produced at 450 °C had high retention capacity for protons, Fe and Al. Retention was low in compost and wheat straw. Retention of protons was positively correlated with organic C concentration of the materials. Retention of Fe and Al was correlated with percentage alkyl, aryl and ketone groups. Other properties such as release of native Fe and Al and amount of material per core could explain differences in ability of organic materials to retain protons, Fe and Al. We conclude that some organic materials such as mallee biochar produced at 550 °C and wheat biochar produced at 450 °C could be used to remediate acidic drainage water.

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