
For the first time, perennial materials on the Orchidacaeae Juss. family of Chechnya are summarizedб consisting of 15 families and 29 species. The largest genus in the family – Orchis L. is represented by 8 species. The article presents information that all members of the family are protected plants listed in the Red Book of Chechnya, Ingushetia, Dagestan, and the Stavropol Territory. Some species are not included in the list of plants to be protected, including those species that have underground tuberoids and can serve as a source of salep (for instance, Platanthera bifolia, P. chlorantha, Herminium monorchis, Traunsteinera sphaerica, Dactylorhisa incarnata, D. salina, D. urvilleana). In this connection, data on the resources of family members and the potential possibilities of their use as a medicinal raw material are of interest. We have carried out resource studies of the most common species of Orchis tridentata Scop, within the North Caucasus. The obtained data allow us to expand our understanding of the species role of Orchidaceae Juss family. Пoлyчeнныe дaнныe пoзBoляют pacшиpить пpeдcтaBлeниe o poли BидoB ceмeйcтBa Orchidaceae Juss. of the North Caucasus flora in the composition of vegetation cover.

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