
We present the orbital and physical parameters of the detached eclipsing binary V1200~Centauri (ASAS~J135218-3837.3) from the analysis of spectroscopic observations and light curves from the \textit{All Sky Automated Survey} (ASAS) and SuperWASP database. The radial velocities were computed from the high-resolution spectra obtained with the OUC 50-cm telescope and PUCHEROS spectrograph and with 1.2m Euler telescope and CORALIE spectrograph using the cross-correlation technique \textsc{todcor}. We found that the absolute parameters of the system are $M_1= 1.394\pm 0.030$ M$_\odot$, $M_2= 0.866\pm 0.015$ M$_\odot$, $R_1= 1.39\pm 0.15$ R$_\odot$, $R_2= 1.10\pm 0.25$ R$_\odot$. We investigated the evolutionary status and kinematics of the binary and our results indicate that V1200~Centauri is likely a member of the Hyades moving group, but the largely inflated secondary's radius may suggest that the system may be even younger, around 30 Myr. We also found that the eclipsing pair is orbited by another, stellar-mass object on a 351-day orbit, which is unusually short for hierarchical triples. This makes V1200 Cen a potentially interesting target for testing the formation models of multiple stars.

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