
Oral language development of ten children, prelingually deafened by meningitis, was assessed with a Dutch version of the Reynell Developmental Language Scales. The test was administered pre-operatively and at regular intervals after implantation. The average rate of language development between two consecutive evaluations was computed. This rate was defined as the quotient of the increase of the language age and the increase of the chronological age between the evaluations. A normal language development has a rate of 1; this means 12 months language development in 12 months time. In case of language retardation the rate of language development is less than 1. The rate of receptive language development showed a gradual increase. In the interval between 12 and 24 months of implant use the ratio was 0.9. This implies a language development that is quite similar with the development in normal hearing children. The rate of expressive language development showed a fast improvement in the period between 6 and 12 months after implantation, up to 1.4. If this rate of development continues the children with C.I. will catch up with their normal hearing peers.

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