
The oral cancer with masticator-space involvement is classified as T4b disease. The limited data suggest that the masticator space is a complex anatomic area and tumors with varying degrees of infiltration may have different oncologic outcomes. It is not advisable to group all T4b tumors as one and consider them for palliative-intent treatment. A group of patients with limited spread (infra-notch) has potential for good outcome. These cancers can be considered for downstaging to T4a classification based on best available data and clinical considerations. The radical surgical resection remains the mainstay of curative-intent treatment and the ability to achieve negative margins at the skull base remains the most important prognostic factor. The alternative approaches to either increase radicality of surgery or to downsize the tumor with neoadjuvant therapies have shown encouraging trends but larger, well designed, and prospective studies will be needed to make meaningful conclusions. It is important to rationalize and form common ground for further research.

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