
This study focuses on the role of karst aquifers in the Mediterranean Basin as a buffered storage of freshwater, especially considering the anticipated increase in drought periods due to climate change. Climate change underscores the need for innovative groundwater management approaches to maximize the storage capacity of these aquifers. This study emphasizes the importance of enhancing aquifer recharge during normal or high rainfall to mitigate the impacts of droughts. Notably, many karst aquifers in this region, which developed extensively during the lower base levels of the Messinian Salinity Crisis, exhibit a dual-domain flow pattern. This pattern consists of a slower flow through the rock matrix and a faster flow through conduits. Despite the rapid drainage of these mature karst systems, some, particularly those in the Mediterranean, are limited in their outflow to the sea by marine clay deposits, as highlighted by Bakalowicz (2015, Environmental Earth Sciences). These systems have shown a significant capacity for storage over several years. In our study, we applied dual-permeability flow modeling to evaluate the storage potential of the Western Mountain Aquifer in Israel and the West Bank. The model utilizes the volume-averaged Richards' equation and integrates a term to account for the characteristic preferential infiltration in karst aquifers, even under nearly dry conditions. The model includes phreatic and vadose zone flows to comprehensively assess the storage capacities of the aquifer comprehensively. The results indicate that despite its advanced karst development, the Western Mountain Aquifer possesses a notable long-term storage capability. This is attributed to its extensive vadose zone and the restricted outflow, which is constrained by surrounding and overlying low-permeability formations (such as the Talme-Yafe, Negba, Daliya, and Menuha Formations, composed mainly of chalk and marl). The study explores various infiltration sites for managed aquifer recharge and considers current and future climatic conditions based on the RCP4.5 climate change scenario.

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