
The standards applied to reclassify landslide-conditioning factors differ among studies and may change the accuracy of identifying landslide-prone areas. Therefore, we identified two standards per factor (elevation, aspect, slope, proximity to roads and proximity to streams) from the existing literature and set them as predisposing criteria in this paper. In addition to the five factors, lithology represented by types and a landslide inventory map produced from field surveys were also used in mapping. Thirty-two landslide susceptibility maps were generated based on weights-of-evidence and evaluated using the relative operative characteristic method. The results show that the subdivision criteria of factors change the accuracy, with the success rate varying from 84.34% to 87.51%. The map with the highest value captures more landslides in relatively higher susceptibility classes and is therefore considered the optimal one. Ultimately, a simplified mode of combining subdivision criteria is proposed to simplify comparison.

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