
Grazing emission X-ray fluorescence (GEXRF) is a new development in X-ray fluorescence analysis related to total-reflection XRF. An optical flat carrying the sample is irradiated at an angle of approximately 90° with an uncollimated polychromatic X-ray beam. The emitted fluorescent radiation of the sample elements is measured at very small angles using wavelength dispersive detection. For the application of GEXRF in micro- and trace analysis, a sample preparation procedure for analysis of liquid samples has been developed. Polycarbonate was investigated as a possible material for the sample carrier. Homogeneous distribution of the sample on the support was achieved by special pre-treatment of the carrier. This pre-treatment includes siliconizing the polycarbonate disks with Serva silicone solution, after which the siliconized carriers are placed in an oxygen plasma asher. Finally, to obtain a spot of the same size as the X-ray beam (≈30 mm diameter), a thin silicone layer is placed as a ring on the carriers with an ear pick. Electron microprobe analyses were performed to check the distribution of the liquid sample deposit, and GEXRF measurements were used to check the reproducibility of sample preparation.

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