
AbstractThis paper presents an analysis of an optimal decentralized mix of photovoltaics, biogas generation and biomass gasifier generation, to meet the electrical energy demand of typical villages in the North Indian plains. the optimal mix preserves existing patterns of fertilizer application and cooking and also corresponds to minimum cost. Survey data for four villages have been used for a numerical appreciation of the results. It is seen that the optimal energy strategy consists of meeting as much demand as possible by biogas generators using dung and meeting the rest of the demand by an optimal combination of biomius gasifier generation and photovoltaics. the cost of electrical energy with such decentralized systems lies between Rs. 2.2 per k Wh and Rs. 8.9 per k Wh for different villages (US $1 = Rs. 30). It is seen that locally availble fuel (dung and agricultural waste) is insufficient for electrical generation and the balance has to be met by photovoltaics. Rising electrical demand in coming years means that pliotovoltaics will be an increasingly important component of such optimal systems.

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